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THE JODHI PROJECT stands as Trancendent Media Capital's flagship food security enterprise. Embarking on initial pilots in Portugal and Malta, with forthcoming expansion into the US, UK, Africa, Australia, and the Gulf, this venture seamlessly melds agroforestry and indoor farming principles. Distinguished by a novel tech-based scaling model, it leverages the Global Jodhi Alliance – a worldwide platform uniting home growers, commercial growers, and Jodhi Growing Centres. This collaborative network operates through an accredited, climate-protected food production and distribution methodology, ensuring a sustainable and innovative approach to global food security.


Embark on a visual journey that encapsulates the essence of sustainability, a commitment to a thriving and eco-conscious future of food growth. The visual identity, a harmonious blend of vibrant design elements and meaningful symbolism, is a testament to the dedication to fostering a sustainable food chain.


The font is a lively and colourful sans-serif typeface, echoing the diversity inherent in sustainable farming practices. It reflects the dynamic approach to the future of food, emphasising growth, diversity, and innovation within the agricultural landscape.

The chosen colours, purple and brown, embody the core values of the sustainable vision. Purple, a hue of spirituality and imagination, resonates with the idea of enlightenment and wisdom. It inspires to unveil our innermost thoughts and encourages spiritual growth – mirroring the profound impact of sustainable practices on the environment and society. Brown, the embodiment of stability and reliability, serves as a grounding force. Like a dependable friend, it imparts wisdom and comfort, reinforcing the commitment to sustainable farming as a source of enduring nourishment.

At the heart of the visual identity lies the icon – a stitched strawberry. The strawberry, often considered one of the least sustainable fruits, undergoes a transformative process through stitching, symbolising the mission to fix even the seemingly unsustainable. This icon serves as a powerful metaphor for our commitment to innovation and improvement in the agricultural sector. By stitching sustainability into the fabric of the food chain, a future can be envisioned where every aspect of agricultural practices contributes to a healthier, more sustainable world.

Visual Identity
Print Design

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